The Redesigned Auto-Ripe

Catalytic Generators launched the Auto-Ripe® Generator 2021 this March as an upgrade to the original Auto-Ripe®. The new Auto-Ripe® Generator 2021 was developed after a recognized need for wall-mounted, vertical storage of Ethy-Gen® II Ripening Concentrate and ethylene production within a generator to better fit in tightly packed ripening rooms. Ripeners can have peace of mind over their ethylene application as mechanical equipment enters and exits narrow ripening rooms.

Innovative Vertical Design
Previously, the original Auto-Ripe® was our solution for ripeners that needed a wall-mounted ethylene generator small enough in depth to be avoided by busy forklifts or other warehouse machinery with a lean, horizontal design and large 4.0 litre reservoir. At only 5.6 inches / 14.2 cm depth, the Auto-Ripe® Generator 2021 goes one step further with multiple reservoir sizes available and a vertical design with an easy-installation wall mount feature.

The large 4.0 litre reservoir holds enough Ethy-Gen® II Ripening Concentrate to perform up to four ripening cycles, in a one or two load ripening room. For customers that desire a smaller reservoir to hold just enough for one ripening cycle, the Auto-Ripe® Generator 2021 offers additional 2.5 and 1.0 litre reservoir sizes.

Low-Level Indication Lights For Ethy-Gen® II Ripening Concentrate
Beyond the new design, this model features low-level indication lights that turn on when the reservoir of Ethy-Gen® II reaches low levels of 250 mL (0.26 qt.) or less. Indication lights can also be connected to a ripening room control system for remote notification. The new low-level indication lights add flexibility for the placement of the Auto-Ripe® Generator 2021 within each ripening room, as well. With the visual low-level reservoir notification, ripeners can easily see when each ethylene generator needs to be refilled whether they are located at the front or back of a room.

We believe ripeners with large-scale ripening facilities that always need an ethylene generator in each room will find this ethylene generator incredibly beneficial. Additionally, like our other models, the Auto-Ripe® Generator 2021 complies with TÜV safety standards. Regardless of whether a new customer or current customer is interested in leasing or purchasing the Auto-Ripe 2021, they can contact our sales team here to request specific information about installation, pricing, or replacing their ethylene generators.


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