Redesigned Easy-Ripe Generator Improves Ethylene Application Accuracy and Efficiency

Catalytic Generators will be showcasing a newly redesigned Easy-Ripe® Ethylene Generator for fruit ripening and degreening at Fruit Logistica, February 6-8, 2019 at Hall 26/F-01.

The redesigned Easy-Ripe® Generator features a clean, white coating and produces consistent, non-pressurized and safe ethylene levels for uniform ripening and degreening. No mixture with inert gas is needed, making the system inherently safe. An adjustable ethylene output allows for adaption to any ethylene PPM requirement or room size. With the specially formulated liquid Ethy-Gen® II, the Easy-Ripe® easily makes only as much ethylene as needed for a target room, eliminating the need to store large quantities of compressed gas on site.

 Ethy-Gen® II is an efficient and clean way to create ethylene. Lot-coded for traceability and tamper-evident sealed for safety and purity, Ethy-Gen® II consists of an all-natural, grain-based, GMO-free active ingredient and is permitted for use on organic tropical fruits, including bananas. When used in the Easy-Ripe®, it will create enough ethylene to ripen thousands of boxes of fruit.

A new feature of the redesigned generator: Ethylene monitoring and control.  “Over the years, our generators have always provided dependable ethylene output in the range required by the user, but we wanted to provide even better accuracy by connecting devices equipped with ethylene sensors and control modules.  So, we’ve given the generator the ability to be connected and controlled by industrial control systems,” stated Greg Akins, President & CEO of Catalytic Generators.

The new Easy-Ripe can connect to most any PLC that exists on today’s modern ripening rooms.  If the room is equipped with a dependable, calibrated ethylene sensor, then the PLC can be programmed to control the generator’s ethylene production

 These products are now available for pre-order and will be on display at Catalytic Generator’s booth at Fruit Logistica in Berlin at Hall 26/F-01, February 6-8, 2019.


Easy-Ripe® “XT” Available to Ripeners Spring 2019


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